05 August 2014

Typography Tuesday : Worry is Creative Kryptonite (Part Three)

So simple, so true...or is it? 

Sometimes thinking about making stuff IS fun. The buzz of a new idea or project. The brainstorming and honing, and thinking that you just can't wait to find the time to get started on it. That is fun, yes? 

It's only a problem when you get so caught up in thinking about making stuff that you never get around to actually making it. So caught up in thinking about all the things that could go horribly horridly wrong, all the ways you'll cock it up. All the ways it's not good enough, or worse, all the ways you're not good enough. Yep, worry is kryptonite. For cameras, for creativity, for happiness. 

Do you know how many projects I have inside my head or jotted down in a notebook or stored on my hard drive right now? How many half started things that have never been made public because they're not quite right? Too many! So thanks @joshjohnson, for reminding me that it's the making of stuff (and the sharing of stuff, now that I think of it) that's the really fun bit. 

Font is Menlo, which is pretty great and it's free if you own a mac (apologies if you're on a PC...).

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